Wildberry Leaf Infusion

Discover all the flavor and the health benefits of Frutti di Bosco (Wildberries) in an Essse Caffè capsule.

The sweetness of this infusion of wildberry leaves caresses your senses at every sip:  try it both hot and cold!


Wildberries, with their antioxidant characteristics which make them optimal allies of well-being, will help you discover all their full and enveloping flavor in Essse Caffè capsules.

Thirst-quenching in the summer and relaxing in winter, the infusion of wildberry leaves  distinguishes itself for its intense flavor which carries you into the fragrance of the flowers and wildberry bushes where it is born.


You can enjoy the Infuso ai Frutti di Bosco in capsule form any time you want:  give yourself a cup in the morning to awaken your senses, or during an afternoon break or even after dinner to ensure yourself a moment of pure relaxation.

If you love herbal infusions with an intriguing fragrance and definite flavor, you can no longer do without our Infuso ai Frutti di Bosco in Foglie.

Buy it now and try it hot, tepid or iced.  It’s alway delicious.

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