Arabesco is the coffee blend which will indulge your senses at any time of day, because it associates its well-rounded and seductive flavor to the reduced caffeine content which is characteristic of 100% Arabica coffee.
This blend transforms itself into a moment of pleasure during breakfast and at coffee breaks, after lunch and dinner.
Arabesco regales you with aromatic, persistent and harmonious notes which will win you over at each sip.
Arabesco is a blend of refined Arabica coffee, acid and sweet, slightly bitter, with fruity and flowery notes and good body.
Arabesco also wins you over with its aftertaste of cereals and its acidulous sensations which clean the palate and prepare your taste buds for another, welcome sip.
The flavor of Arabesco is a balanced set of diverse organoleptic characteristics: a definite aroma, good body and persistence, an intense acidity and a medium dark roast.
To give life to Arabesco, the team of Essse Caffè carefully selected different varieties of Arabica, to yield a cup of espresso in which there are aromas of almond and toast, together with an acidity which is never excessive and a perfectly balanced sweetness. The sensation that you will receive tasting Arabesco will be that of an elegant and refined coffee.
You can enjoy a cup of Arabesco whenever you want a break and to reward yourself with an espresso experience that involves your senses of smell, vision, and taste. This coffee first inebriates with its aroma, then appeals to the eyes with its inviting appearance, and, finally, wins you over when you feel its velvety structure in your mouth, as well as its unique flavor. The low level of caffeine means you can drink Arabesco any time of day and even in the evening. If you desire a harmonious espresso which also is able to surprise you, try Arabesco.