Essse Caffè is Born: the result of science, sapience and specialization

The year is 1979 when the Segafredo family establishes Essse Caffè S.p.A.

Their passion, along with their tradition in the world of coffee production, motivate the family to give life to a company which decisively aims for excellence by means of three key concepts:  science, sapience and specialization.  This is because the art of producing coffee requires experience and thorough knowledge, but also innovation and technology.


Beyond regional boundaries

True to its values and priorities, Essse Caffè begins to grow outside the boundaries of the region of Emilia Romagna, following a path which will make it one of the leading companies of the Horeca market on the national scene and then a point of reference for Italian espresso in the world.


We expressed our best

Our constant search for excellence has led to our company being among the first to obtain the certification of the Quality Management System in compliance with the UNI EN ISO 9002 norm, intended to improve effectiveness and efficiency in producing espresso and other drinks, in the provision of service, as well as in client satisfaction.

The continuous objective of quality and excellence have permitted Essse Caffè’s blends for professional use to obtain the certification according to the e technical and sensorial specifications of Italian Espresso.

Today, both of these certifications are maintained and confirmed yearly.


Twenty Years of Essse Caffè: Changes and Innovations

After twenty years of activity, Essse Caffè made a historic change in its trademark:  the logo inside the red coffee bean with gold writing is replaced by that which, after adjustments and updates, today is still the institutional trademark:  a red S placed within a gray ellipse and the brand name in white.

In the same year, the Istituto Nazionale Espresso Italiano (National Italian Espresso Institute) awards the Italian Espresso certification of technical and sensorial requirements to the Essse Caffè coffee blends for professional use.

Also in 1999, the exclusive Tulip-shaped espresso cup arrives;  it is designed to exalt the excellent organoleptic characteristics of Essse Caffè espresso.


Essse Caffè goes international

At the beginning of the 21st century, Essse Caffè expands its market beyond national boundaries, affirming the Essse Caffè brand in foreign countries.

The Essse formula and the Essse values have also proved to be successful abroad;  as of today, the company is present in more than 60 countries and holds an important international position.


Sustainable Production

The use of leading-edge technologies and of products and packaging with a low environmental impact, reducing emissions, was awarded, in 2002, with the certification of an environmental management system: ISO 14001.


La Classe di Essse

In 2005 we open our training center, La Classe di Essse.  It is born from the necessity of not just providing products and services to our clients, but also following closely the way in which our blends are utilized in our clients’ establishments, where the barista daily performs what is truly a miniature industrial transformation during the process which leads from coffee beans to the espresso in the cup that we all know and love.

Today, La Classe di Essse is a training center and a reference point for the Horeca sector in Italy and abroad.


Thirty Years of History and More to Come

In 2009, the thirtieth year of the company, Essse Caffè publishes the book “Una miscela racconta…”, a collection of  testimonials by employees, customers and partners, which traces the first thirty years of the company’s history and from which the company’s values, mission and vision emerge.

In the same year the Essse Caffè laboratories give birth to the Ideale blend, which is a true revolution for the company as well as an innovation for the market.  With its full-bodied flavor but only half the caffeine, it distinguished itself immediately and today we are still the only coffee producer which offers this type of blend in its assortment of coffees.


Sistema Espresso: Design and Quality in the Office and at Home

Essse Caffè turns to single-dose production with a complete gamma of excellent blends in capsules for the S.12, a special espresso machine designed by Giugiaro Design, with a compact size and pleasing shape. 

The harmony between machine and capsules permits you to enjoy a perfect espresso at home.


Store Opens in Via Galliera, Bologna

During  2005, the only Essse Caffè store opens in Via Galliera in  Bologna’s historic center;  this is the same location of the historic Segafredo family coffee store in the past, before the opening of the current production facility at Anzola dell’Emilia.


The Science of Espresso Coffee

On the 40th anniversary of Essse Caffè’s activity, the book entitled “La scienza del caffè espresso” (The Science of Espresso Coffee), edited by Carla Severini and Santina Romani, professors of the Faculties of  Bologna e Foggia, is published.  This book recounts years of scientific research into coffee, carried out in partnership with the Universities.


Our history continues

Exactly as it always has done, today the Segafredo family continues to  guide Essse Caffè according to the 3-S formula, as we constantly look ahead, because the art of espresso requires experience and deep knowledge, as well as innovation and technology.

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