Caffè Monorigine Honduras San Andrés Capsules
Essse Caffè’s Honduras San Andrés in capsules knows how to win you over with its structured and intense body: a pure Arabica from Central America.
This excellent coffee is the result of an ethical production chain and is environmentally friendly.
Honduras San Andrés capsules participate in the new line of single origin coffee of Essse Caffè’s Latitudine – Itinerari Sensoriali (Latitudes– Sensorial Itineraries), where we have decided to take you to discover unique and original aromas.
Honduras San Andrés is certified RainForest Alliance and FSC, to guarantee a coffee which is not only rich in flavor, but also ethical and sustainable.
Prepare your taste buds for an authentic voyage: Honduras San Andrés is full-bodied and structured in the cup.
When we taste it, we find the true particularity of this Arabica: its sweet flavor has notes of dried fruit, cocoa, tobacco and caramel, as well as the special aromas of spices and citrus.
The aftertaste that Honduras San Andrés will leave you with has a hint of liqueur, balanced by the fruity notes that make it unique.
Our Honduras San Andrés capsules are perfect for enjoying this Arabica specialty, hand-harvested and processed with the washed method.
We here at Essse Caffè have determined that the best roasting is medium, to conserve the
characteristic of moderate acidity balanced by the sweet notes.
Honduras San Andrès is our 100% Arabica with a particular and uncommon flavor, for a mid- morning caress or even in the late afternoon, thanks to its moderate caffeine content. Enjoyed pure, it leaves the palate fresh and spicy.
Discover Honduras San Andrés and let yourself be won over by the atmosphere of Central America. All in one cup.